The winter weather storm of 2015 has hit Chicago leaving many parking lots and side streets covered in nearly 20 inches of snow. Although snowplows have been out around the clock, the streets cannot seem to stay clean.
As snowfall increases and parking spaces become limited, it is important to keep in mind the parking restrictions in Chicago during the winter. As mentioned on the City of Chicago website, a Winter Overnight Parking Ban is placed on 107 miles of vital streets from 3AM to 7AM from December 1 to April 1. Other areas may be affected only when two inches of snow are on the street.
The parking ban covers many main streets, including North Milwaukee Avenue, South State Street, West Madison Street and West Division Street.
Avoid the $150 towing fee, $60 parking ticket along with the challenge of digging your car out of the snow. Utilize the Chicago Parking Map mobile application before heading into the city this season and view open spaces in local parking garages in the Chicago land area.
Chicago Parking Map can assist you in finding a spot close to your destination and off the streets during this snowy season. Plus, with Chicago Parking Map there is no need to worry about the possibility of a hefty parking fee and frostbitten fingers from scraping off your windshield.
An open parking space on a side street may seem nice until your vehicle is covered in endless white flakes.